Rêzeya vekirinê ya mezin lift kameraya pêveka amûrên balefirê bi forklift
Taybetmendî * Avakirina çarçoweya aluminiumê ya milê T-tîrêjê ya domdar. * Ji bo dirêjkirina jiyana karûbarê hilgirtina milê jorîn. * Rîb girtina bi ewle peyda dike û ajokarê ajokera baş girtina tîp û kapasîteyên rijandina balê dide. * Nirxa hîdrolîk a nûjenker ji bo leza ameya çêtirîn. * Sêwirana strukturê ya hemî-pola-hêza bilind, her gav di bin operasyona domdar de bi karbidestiya bilind, bandorek baş. * E-slot di çarçoveya giştî de ji bo baştirkirina aramiya hilberê, ji bo dirêjkirina dirêjahiya hilberê. * Sêwirana maqûl, nerînek xweş, bi karanîna pêkhateyên hîdrolîk ên herî bilind ên cîhanê. Specification Kapasîteya / Barkirin ...

Amûrên wergirê materyalê 2ton TB series roll pallet kamyon manual pallet stacker Peldanka peldanka clamp
Product Details 1-2ton electric pallet stacker ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER FEATURE TB series steering wheel pallet stacker, rated load capacity:1000-2500kg, Max. lift height: 4500mm, used for single face pallet; 1. With EPS steering system, easier to operation; 2. Electronic type braking; 3. To use intelligent charger,auto analysis the residual energy and optimizing the charging process, without manual operation and extend the battery working life effectively; 4. Speed limited for high position, to aviod the possibility of products' overturning when high speed ...

Forklift bi peydakarê pêveka mifteya balefirê
1.Applications: -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales. -High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. 2.Features & Advantages -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. -Ribs provide secure grip and give driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. -Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed. -Excellent driver visibility ...

3T Forklift bi Attachment Bale Clamp
OPTION: Wekî çêkerek profesyonel a forkliftê, em jî dikarin karûbarê xwerû pêşkêşî we bikin, Tiştên jêrîn vebijarkî ne: Mastê konteyner, mînakî, mastê belaş 2-qonaxê 3 m, 3-qonaxa tam belaş 4,5 m Guhertina alî pozîsyona fork, çiqilên dirêj, dirêjkirina forkê Ji bo hûrguliyên veavakirin û vebijarkên xwerû, ji kerema xwe bi me re têkilî daynin. Karûbarê profesyonel VMAX dê li ser we bandor bibe. YÊN DIN: A: Dîroka radestkirinê: 30 roj piştî wergirtina depoyê B: Mercên dravdanê: T/T (30% spartinê, balansa hatî dayîn ...

Chinaîn Hîdrolîk icientêker Forklift Forklift Attachments Multi Purpose Clamp
Taybetmendî Girêdanên kamyonê yên bikêrhatî yên hîdrolîk Girêka pir-armancê MOQ: 1 yekîne Materyal: çêkerê pola Pêvekên kamyonê yên bikêr ên hîdroulîk Kîpek pir-armanc FUNKSION Û SERLÊDAN Girêdana pir-armancî dikare bi bandor û aborî hema hema her cûreyek kartonê kaxez, kartona dar, kartonê metal û balîf bike. hilberên bêyî platforma xebatê di nav de tûtin, çapa rojname, fîbera kîmyewî, atolye û port û hwd. TAYBETÎ: Çêkirina milê T-tîrêjê ya domdar û avakirina çarçoweya alûmînyûmê ya aluminî Valvaniya hîdrolîk a nûjenker ji bo leza milê çêtirîn Hilgirtina mil-slide ya jorîn ji bo dirêjkirina jiyana karûbarê Pêlên lastîkî yên vulkanîzekirî ...

Hilberîna Hilbera Hîdrojîk ya Barker ji bo Forklift Truck
Girêdana balê bi bandor û aborî hema hema her cûre hilberên balîfkirî, di nav de kontton, hirî, sentetîk, paleyên tekstîlê, qermiçî, çapa rojnameyê, çîçek, çîçek, metal û kelûpelên din ên qeşmerî digire. Karanîn û aborîya bilind ku meriv bêyî şert û mercên platforma xebatê digire dest. Serlêdan: -Ji bo hilgirtina balelan an blokan tê bikar anîn - Sêwirana milê xêzkirî yê alîgir ji bo fonksiyonên birêkûpêk û guheztina alî - Di kargehên kaxezê, veguherînerên kaxezê, pîşesaziyên vezîvirandinê û her pîşesaziyên din ên ku hewce dike bi balanan re mijûl bibe tê dîtin - Di cûrbecûr vebûn û dirêjahiya destan de werin -Standard C-series Bale Clamp ji bo hilgirtina baliyên normal ên mîna çopê ...

2.5. Ton Bale Clamp Bi Side Shifting
Danasîna hilberê 2.5. Girêka Ton Bale ya bi Veguheztina Aliyê (G04S25) Taybetmendiyên Pêvekên Forklift--Kampên Rola kaxez ji sêwirana strûktûra hemî pola-hêza bilind e, zivirandina 360 du alî û dîmenek xweş e Serlêdanên Bale Clamps: Di destwerdana bê palet a pîvaz, pembû de tê bikar anîn: , kaxezê çopê û operasyonên din ên elastîk û deformkirî. Taybetmendî: Avahiyek hemî-pola ya hişk, hewcedariyên ji bo xebata domdar bi karbidestiya bilind bicîh tîne. Çarçoveya E-style-Slot aramiyek hêja û jiyana xebitandinê dirêjtir peyda dike. Sêwirana maqûl bi hêmanên hîdrolîk ên qalîteya herî pêbawer a cîhanê. Rêzeya hilberan: Ne-guhêrbar ...

2.2ton Bale Clamp ji bo 3ton Forklift
Danasîna hilberê 2.2 Ton Bale Clamp ji bo Forklift 3Ton (G04R22) Taybetmendiyên Pêvekên Forklift--Kampên Rola kaxez ji sêwirana strûktûra hemî pola-hêza bilind e, zivirîna 360 du-alî û nêrînek xweş a Bale Clamps Serlêdanên: Di destkêşana bê palet de tê bikar anîn. , pembû, hirî, kaxizên çopê û operasyonên din ên elastîk û deformkirî. Taybetmendî: Avahiyek hemî-pola ya hişk, hewcedariyên ji bo xebata domdar bi karbidestiya bilind bicîh tîne. Çarçoveya E-style-Slot aramiyek hêja û jiyana xebitandinê dirêjtir peyda dike. Sêwirana maqûl bi hêmanên hîdrolîk ên pêbawer ên cîhanî. Rêzeya hilberan: Ne-guhêrbar ...

Bale Clamp Forklift Attachments Paper Bale Clamp Waste Paper
products introduction bale clamp can handle various forms of soft packs such as cotton, textile, wool, pulp, waste paper hay and industrial scrap and other soft items for paper making, chemical fiber, waste paper recycling, port and other industries without pallet handling and stacking operations in a safe and efficient way. specification bale clamp d-series sideshifting catalog order no. capacity @ (kg@mm) mounting class opening range (mm) arm height (mm) arm length (mm) arm thickness (mm) vertical center of gravity ...

Kembera pir-armancê ya Forklift
Specifications Hydraulic efficient forklift truck attachments multi purpose clamp MOQ: 1 unit Material: steel manufacturer Hydraulic efficient forklift truck attachments multi purpose clamp FUNCTIONS & APPLICATION Multi purpose clamp can efficiently and economically handle almost any tyoe of paper carton,wooden carton,metal carton and baled products without workplatform including tobacco,newsprint, chemical fiber,workshop and port,etc. FEATURES Proven durable T-beam arm and aluminum alloy frame constructio Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life Vulcanized rubber pads ...

Bişkojka Pir armancê ya revînê
A revolving multi-purpose clamp is a type of forklift attachment used for handling and transporting various types of loads. It is designed to securely clamp onto loads and allow for easy and efficient handling and transportation. This type of clamp is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries. The revolving multi-purpose clamp works by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. The hydraulic system is controlled by ...

Mifteya pir armancê ya Sideshifting
A sideshifting multi-purpose clamp is a type of forklift attachment that is used for handling and transporting a wide range of loads. It is designed to securely clamp onto the load and allow for easy and efficient handling and transportation. This type of clamp is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries. The sideshifting multi-purpose clamp works by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. The hydraulic ...

Tîpa Aborî ya Forklift Bale Clamp
Functions and Applications -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales -It can high efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition Features -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction -Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life -Ribs provide secure grip and giver driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities -Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed - ...

2.7 Tonesên Forklift Bale Clamp Attachments
Functions&Applications Forklift attachments pulp bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton ,wool,synthetic,textile bales.corrugated,newsprint,rag,hay,metal and other scrap bales.High efficiency and economy to handle in without platform condition. Features -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminium frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended servicelift. -Ribs provide secure grip and give driver good tip handling and pulp bale clamp spinning capabilities. -Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed. -Excellent driver visibility . Options -Custom opening ranges -Custom arm ...

Forklift Aborî Revoling Bale Clamp Mman çêkirin
Material handling equipment lifting equipment bale clamp economical forklift revoling bale clamp manufacturer Applications -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales. -High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. Features & Advantages -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. -Ribs provide secure grip and give driver good tip handling and ...

Forklift Rotary Bale Clamp
Material handling equipment lifting equipment bale clamp forklift rotating bale clamp Applications -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales. -High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. Features & Advantages -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. -Ribs provide secure grip and give ...

Perçeyên Forklift Pulp Bale Clamps
Danasîna Hilberê 3.5ton mazotê mazotê barhilgir 1. Rûniştin li ser xebitandina celebê; 2. Vebijarka motorê: ISUZU, NISSAN, XINGCHANG, YANMAR; 3. 3-6M bilindahiya hilgirtinê, duplex / triplex / mast konteynir; 4. Çerm û tirên bi dirêjahiya cûda vebijarkî ye; 5. Mast dîtiniyek fireh, sêwirana nerm û rehet. Karaktera 1. Pergala Hêza Hêzdar 2. Mastê bi dîmena Berfireh 3. Sêwirana Nobedarên Serê Yekta 4. Pedala Kêm-Nêzîkî 5. Kursiya Ewlehî ya Birêkûpêk 6. Metreya dîjîtal a LCD-ya hişk 7. Sêwirana ekolojîk-heval 8. Taybetmendiya çerxa rêwerê ya birêkûpêk Vîdyo Karûbarên me pêvekên forklift pulp bale ...

Fork Truck Rotterdam Bale Clips With Forklift
Taybetmendî * Avakirina çarçoweya aluminiumê ya milê T-tîrêjê ya domdar. * Ji bo dirêjkirina jiyana karûbarê hilgirtina milê jorîn. * Rîb girtina bi ewle peyda dike û ajokarê ajokera baş girtina tîp û kapasîteyên rijandina balê dide. * Nirxa hîdrolîk a nûjenker ji bo leza ameya çêtirîn. * Sêwirana strukturê ya hemî-pola-hêza bilind, her gav di bin operasyona domdar de bi karbidestiya bilind, bandorek baş. * E-slot di çarçoveya giştî de ji bo baştirkirina aramiya hilberê, ji bo dirêjkirina dirêjahiya hilberê. * Sêwirana maqûl, nerînek xweş, bi karanîna pêkhateyên hîdrolîk ên herî bilind ên cîhanê. Specification Kapasîteya / Barkirin ...

Class 3 Forklift Attachments Cotton Bale Clamp With 575-2150 mm
Forklift cotton bale clamp is used for handling of various forms of soft bales safety and efficiently, such as cotton, textile, wool, pulp, waste paper, hay and industrial scrap material, widely used for handling and stacking without pallet in papermaking, textile, chemical fiber, waste paper recycling, ports and other industries. Specification Note 1)Please get the actual comprehensive carrying capacity of forklift/attachment from the forklift factory 2) Requires a forklift to increase the additional 1 sets of oil. 3)The arm thickness ...

Tevlêbûna Forklift Bale Clamp
Features *Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. *Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. *Ribs provide secure grip and giver driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. *Regenerative hydraulic value for optimal am speed. *High-strength all-steel structure design, always of high efficiency under continuous operation, good effect. *E-slot in the overall framework to improve the stability of product, to extend the longevity of product. *Reasonable design, nice outlook, using the world's most high-quality hydraulic components. Specification Videos Options ...