A revolving multi-purpose clamp is a type of forklift attachment used for handling and transporting various types of loads. It is designed to securely clamp onto loads and allow for easy and efficient handling and transportation. This type of clamp is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries.
The revolving multi-purpose clamp works by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. The hydraulic system is controlled by the operator, who can adjust the clamping pressure to ensure that the load is securely held in place. The clamp can also rotate, allowing the load to be easily positioned as needed.
One of the main advantages of the revolving multi-purpose clamp is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of loads, including pallets, drums, pipes, and more. It can also be easily attached and detached from the forklift, making it convenient for use in different material handling scenarios.
Another advantage of the revolving multi-purpose clamp is its ability to handle heavy loads. It allows for safe and efficient handling of heavy loads, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment.
In conclusion, the revolving multi-purpose clamp is a useful forklift attachment for handling and transporting various types of loads. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.
Girêdana pir-armanca kamyona barkêşê ya hîdrolîk
MOQ: 1 yekîne
Materyal: Steel
Girêdana pir-armanca kamyona barkêşê ya hîdrolîk
Girêdana pir-armancî dikare bi bandor û aborî hema hema her kartona kaxezê, kartona dar, kartonê metal û hilberên baldar bêyî platforma xebatê, di nav de tûtin, çapa rojname, fîbera kîmyewî, kargeh û port, hwd.
Avakirina çarçoweya milê T-tîrêjê ya domdar û alûmînyûmê ya domdar
Valvinga hîdrolîk a nûjenker ji bo leza milê çêtirîn
Barkirina çekan-çîmentoyê ya zindî ya ji bo jiyana karûbarê dirêjkirî
Sêwirana pêlên gomî yên vulkanîzekirî, ji hêla aborî ve
Dîtina ajokerek xwerû
Agahdariya bingehîn
Model NO.: Multi-purpose Clamp
Dermankirina Surfê: Pêkêşkêş
Wekî standard: Standard
Kapasîteya: 1900 kg
Bilindahiya Pad: 460mm
Mounting Class: II III
Stûrahiya mil: 55mm
Bazirganî: HUAMAI
Inêkirin: Chinaîn
Materyal: Kulîlkek Karbonê
Izedêkirî: Kesane
Babet: Girêdana Pir-Armanca
Rengîn: Spî û orange
Giraniya Berdest: 475 kg
Dirêjahiya milê: 1000mm
Stûrahiya bibandor: 127mm
Diyarî: CE
Koda HS: 8427209000
Fork-Co's D Series Multi-Purpose Clamps are available in non-sideshifting, sideshifting and revolving styles, all offering a selection of arm sizes and opening ranges.
E-profile aluminum frame segments are protected by full length composite bearings.
Regenerative hydraulic circuitry provides fast opening speed and increased forklift efficiency.
Class II and Class III mountings are available as required.
Rightline fork clamps are an excellent solution for lift trucks expected to handle a variety of loads. Fork clamps enables drivers to clamp or cradle difficult loads. Precise fork positioning enhances overall handling efficiency.
Our fork clamps have the ability to extend their forks beyond the truck carriage for effective handling of wide loads. Fork cutouts are available to better facilitate drum handling.
Side shifting models have the additional ability to laterally position the arms or the entire load for faster and more accurate lifting and placement.