Class 2 Forklift Attachment Rotamp Paper Rotamp Clamp

Xane / Hemû Attachments / Class 2 Forklift Attachment Rotamp Paper Rotamp Clamp

Class 2 Forklift Attachment Rotamp Paper Rotamp Clamp

Pelgeya kaxezê ya kaxezê ya bikêrhatî, ewle, bê şikandina dorpêçê û stacking ya kaxeza kaxezê, û dorpêçkirina tevgerê ya domdar 360 zivirî, bi berfirehî li kaxez, karton, pakkirin, çapkirinê, port û pîşesaziyên din tê bikar anîn.


Kapasîteya (kg)KetelogClass MountingRoll Range (mm)Barkirina dirêj (mm)Barkirina Kurt (mm)Pîvaza Arm (mm)Vertical Center of Gravity (mm)Navenda Horizontal a Gravity (mm)Dendikek bi bandor (mm)Barke (kg)
2000SLZ-A / B0042/3250-130082457045345295/330210/250730/748
2000SLZ-A / B0052/3630-130082457045345290/325210/250720/738
2000SLZ-A / B0062/3350-160095677490345310/320210/250838/848
2000SLZ-A / B0072/3630-160095677490345308/318210/250826/834
2700SLZ-B / C0103/4520-130085059085445270/290210/250820/840
2700SLZ-B / C0113/4250-130085059085445270/290210/250835/855
2700SLZ-B / C0123/4560-152097069070445305/322210/250880/900
2700SLZ-B / C0133/4255-152097069070445305/322210/250898/918


1) Ji kerema xwe ji fabrîkaya forklift re kapasîteya bêkêl a tevahî ya dorpêçê / pêvekirinê bigirin

2) Li gorî hewcedariyên bikarhêneran, splingeyan peyda bikin ku li gorî pêdiviyên cihêreng ên pêkanîna Roll biguncînin

3) Pêdivî ye ku ji bo hilweşînek pêdivî ye ku 1 rûnên pêvek zêde bike.


Kîtekîtên Bilez

Cihê Origin: Fujian, Chinaîn (Mainland)
Navê Brand: HUAMAI
Bikarhêner: Kembera reş
Materyal: Steel
Structure: F Clamp
Standard an Nonstandard: Standard
Navê hilberê: Kinc 2 forklift attachment rotamp paper roller
Kapasîteya Load: 1300kg
Rêzeya Roll: 330-1150mm
Beşa Mounting: II
Dirêjiya Zeviyê Mezin: 685mm
Dirêjiya Keviyê Kurt: 515mm
Pîvaza Arm: 45mm
Navenda Gravity ya vertical: 330mm
Navenda Horizontal ya Gravity: 216mm
Weh: 345kg

A Class 2 forklift attachment rotating paper roll clamp is a specialized attachment designed for handling large rolls of paper. The clamp attaches to a Class 2 forklift, which is a forklift with a capacity of up to 4,000 pounds.

The rotating paper roll clamp consists of two arms that attach to the forks of the forklift and a rotating mechanism in the center. The clamp is designed to securely hold large rolls of paper in place, allowing the operator to easily pick up, move, and place the rolls. The rotating mechanism allows the operator to rotate the rolls to a desired position, making it easier to handle the rolls and reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment.

One of the main advantages of the Class 2 forklift attachment rotating paper roll clamp is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of large rolls of paper, making it a convenient accessory for a variety of material handling tasks. The rotating mechanism also allows the operator to easily place the rolls in the desired position, reducing the risk of injury to the operator and other workers.

Another advantage of the Class 2 forklift attachment rotating paper roll clamp is its efficiency. The clamp makes it easier to handle and transport the rolls, reducing the time and effort required to complete the task. This makes it more cost-effective and time-efficient, saving companies time and money in the long run.

In conclusion, the Class 2 forklift attachment rotating paper roll clamp is a useful tool for handling and transporting large rolls of paper. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.
