Hilberînerên Forklift Rotator Fork / Cûreyek û Mezinahiya Rotator

Xane / Hemû Attachments / Hilberînerên Forklift Rotator Fork / Cûreyek û Mezinahiya Rotator

Hilberînerên Forklift Rotator Fork / Cûreyek û Mezinahiya Rotator

Product Features

·Scientific and rational overall design,applicable for various forklift brands,quick operation;
·360-degree rotation clockwise and counterclockwise,self-locking,safe and efficient;
·Window is opened in the center to offer sound field of vision for operator,safe and reliable;
·Stable speed reducing device is connected to hydraulic motor,ensuring stability of rotation operation.

Product Application

Usually, it is matched with a container, like a forked hopper, to turn the goods inside the container rapidly within 360°, and is widely used in the industries of food, chemicals, goods recycling, smelting and casting where container hoppers are needed.
Data View



Kîtekîtên Bilez

Itionert: Nû
Place of Origin:Xiamen, China (Mainland)
Navê Brand: HUAMAI
Model Number: CCM20B-D10
Type: Forklift Attachments
Rated Loading Capacity:as you required
Fork Length:1150/1220mm
Fork Width:550/685MM
Overall Dimensions: as you required
Sertîfîkirin: CE / ISO9001
Xizmeta piştî firotanê pêşkêşî: Pêdivî ye ku alîkariya derveyî ya partiya sêyemîn peyda bibe
Rengîn: Reş


HUAMAI 360 degree rotator can Rolling over 360º,and can be widely used in food industry, chemical industry, sanitation industry, recycle industry, smelt casting industry, etc.


*Proven durable construction design, unique rotating driven system, meet the high strength continuous operation.

*Strong rotating driving torque achieved the stable and reliable rotating function.

* Motora hîdroulîk bi lêkera hîdrolîk a zivirandî re, ji her fonksiyonê quncikê pozîsyona birêkûpêk re sabît e.

[Whyima me hilbijêrin]

HUMAI is your best choice by the following reasons:

Pîşeyî & Tecrûbir: Em di vê warê de ji 10 salan zêdetir ezmûn hene. Tîma me ya teknîkî ya profesyonel ku ji pargîdaniyên pêşeng ên cîhanê tê, balê dikişîne ku ji bo we hilberên bilind-kalîteyê peyda bike.

Heavy duty attachments: HUAMAI can provide a series of heavy duty attachments which the capacity load are more than 6 tons, while other factories can not reached.

Buhayê pêşbaziyê: Piştî pêşkeftina salan, em karibin hilberên kalîteya hêja bi bihayê pêşbazkar peyda bikin ku li ser bingeha hejmarek mezin a peydakirên derveyî yên ku me qewimandiye heye.

Solutionareseriya tevahî: Firotgehên me amade ne ku hûn şirketa we ziyaret bikin û ji we re bibin alîkar ku hûn pêşveçûn zêde bikin û nirxê biafirînin ji hêla çareseriyek tevahî, wekî şîretên pratîkî û hilberên xwerû.