Danasîna hilberê
1.Functions and Applications
Zêdetirî 360 ° dorpêçê, forks forklift zivirî.
Di pîşesaziya xwarinê de, pîşesaziya kîmyewî, pîşesaziya kanalîzasyonê, pîşesaziya recyle, pîşesaziya avêtina kevir û hwd tê bikar anîn.
*Proven durable construction design, unique rotating drive system, meet the hight stength continuous operation.
* Torque ajotinê ya tundrûyî ya fonksiyonê ya zivirandinê ya aram û pêbawer pêk hat.
* Motora hîdroulîk bi lêkera hîdrolîk a zivirandî re, ji her fonksiyonê quncikê pozîsyona birêkûpêk re sabît e.
-Wilîza bargiriyê
1.HUAMAI brand is first class in China, which technology is from America.
2.Key parts and accessories are world class,which is different from other Chinese brands.
Berhemên me
Whyima me wekî dabînkerê pêbawer hilbijêrin an jî wekî firoşgerek herêmî bi me re bixebitin?
1. Tîmek teknîkî ya ceribandî, karûbarek bêtir profesyonel
HUAMAI is made up of a team of members who have years of experience with European forklift trucks and its
2. Berhemek hilberê berfireh, çareseriya tevahî peyda bikin
HUAMAI has grown rapidly into a sizeable company specialized in producing a comprehensive range of hydrauli
and mechanical attachments. The major categories of hydraulic attachments include rotating type, sliding arm type, side-shifting/hinged type, special purpose type and others.
3. Piştgiriya pêşîn, heke ajansa / Dealer
If you a local dealer, can achieve HUAMAI agent policy support, including fast delivery time, competitive
price and accessories support, ect.
4. Kargeha xwe, bihayê pêşbaziyê
Our factory covers an area of 10,000 square meters, fully equipped with modern manufacturing equipments
and facilities. Scale production and no middlemen will save the purchasing cost.
5. Sales record and voice from our existing customer, and get good feedback from them.
Kîtekîtên Bilez
Cihê Origin: Fujian, Chinaîn (Mainland)
Navê Brand: HUAMAI
Hejmara Modelê: Hîdraulîk-Rotator
Certificate: CE
Load Capacity: 1600-6800kg
Mounting Class: II or III or IV
Carriage Width: 815-1855mm
Fork Max. Spacing: 705-1855mm
Overall Width: 840-1890mm
Weight: 188-1040kg
Dermankirina erdê: Paint
Rengîn: Wekî hewce
Garantî: 1 Sal