Pîşesaziyên firotanê dikarin bêne hilgirtin ku hilbiran bihêle zivirîna domdar 360 gradî, û dikare were bikar anîn da ku hilberek ji trayla hilberîna bilind-berbi tray veguhestina erzantir veguhezîne, dikare were bikar anîn da ku malan ji bilind-end veguhestin. hilberîn berbi trayek veguhestina erzan, bi vî awayî lêçûna trayê xilas dike.
Capacity @ Load Center (kg @ mm) | Ketelog | Class Mounting | Rêzika vekirinê (mm) | Bi dirêjiya Fork (A) (mm) | Width of frame (mm) | Vertical Center of Gravity (CGV) (mm) | Navenda Horizontal ya Gravity (CGH) (mm) | Dendikek bi bandor (ET) (mm) | Pîvan (mm) |
1600@600 | SLR-A601FR | 2 | 410-1660 | 1070 | 940 | 275 | 212 | 280 | 585 |
1600@600 | SLR-A602FR | 2 | 410-1660 | 1200 | 940 | 265 | 230 | 280 | 600 |
2300@600 | SLR-B602FR | 3 | 465-1800 | 1070 | 1015 | 270 | 345 | 345 | 696 |
2300@600 | SLR-B603FR | 3 | 465-1800 | 1220 | 1015 | 265 | 345 | 345 | 705 |
4000@600 | SLR-C604FR | 4 | 420-1960 | 1200 | 1300 | 362 | 320 | 320 | 1150 |
1) Ji kerema xwe ji fabrîkaya forklift re kapasîteya bêkêl a tevahî ya dorpêçê / pêvekirinê bistînin
2) Forkliftek pêdivî ye ku ji bo 2-mîhengên rûnê-riya zêdekirî zêde bike.
3) Rêza vekirinê dûrahiya di navbera hundurê pirçê de ye.
4) Forks dikare li ser bingeha pêdiviyên bikarhêner bêne saz kirin ku hemî cûrbicûr vekişîna çeka taybetî saz bikin.
Kîtekîtên Bilez
Itionert: Nû
Cihê Origin: Fujian, Chinaîn (Mainland)
Navê Brand: HUAMAI
Cure: Kamyonek paleta powered
Hêza Souce: AC Motor
Kapasîteya barkirinê ya nirxandî: 1600 kg
Max Dirêjbûna Lift: 1600mm
Min. Dirêjbûna Lift: 1200mm
Dirêjahiya Fork: 1220 mm, 1070 mm
Girtina Fork: 150mm
Dirêjiyên Giştî: 2680x1225x2120mm
Sertîfîkirin: ISO9001
Xizmeta piştî-firotanê pêşkêşî: Ti karûbarê derveyî peyda nekir
Kapasîteya barkirinê: 1600 kg
Qada ingihînê: 2
Rêzeya vekirinê: 410-1660 mm
Girêja Frame: 940 mm
Parzûna Kêrhatî: 280 mm
Wehş: 585 kg
A Class 2 forklift attachment rotating fork clamp is a type of forklift accessory used for handling and transporting cylindrical loads such as drums, pipes, and rolls. The clamp attaches to the forklift and rotates 360 degrees, allowing the operator to easily pick up, move, and position the load.
The rotating fork clamp is designed to fit Class 2 forklifts, which are medium-duty forklifts typically used in manufacturing, construction, and warehousing. The clamp is attached to the forklift by a quick-release mechanism or by bolts, depending on the model. Once attached, the clamp can be easily raised and lowered by the forklift’s hydraulic system.
One of the main advantages of the rotating fork clamp is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of cylindrical loads, making it a convenient accessory for a variety of material handling tasks. The rotating feature also allows the operator to easily position the load in tight spaces or areas with limited access.
Another advantage of the rotating fork clamp is its ability to handle heavy loads. The clamp is designed to securely hold the load in place, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment. The rotating feature also makes it easier to move the load in different directions, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
In conclusion, the Class 2 forklift attachment rotating fork clamp is a useful tool for handling and transporting cylindrical loads. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.