1. Environment friendliness
Kêmasiyên nizm û derketina derberî hevaltiya jîngehê ya Forkliftê ya Noelift dikin.
2. Outstanding comfort
Paqijiya operasyonê bi navgîniya sêwirana ergonomîk, cîhê operasyona mezinkirî û sêwirana maqûl tê baş kirin.
3. Safety and reliability
Ew ji bo tundtir û dirêjtir tête çêkirin
4. Easy maintenance
Meriv dikare lênihêrînê bike hêsan û bi vî rengî jiyana karûbarê kamyonê dirêj dike.
5. Excellent working efficiency
Performansa xebitandinê û karûbar baştir dibe.
Agahdariya bingehîn
Cure: Kamyonek paleta powered
Kapasîteya Load: 2500kg
Navendê load: 500mm
Itionert: Nû
Tîr: Pneşandî / Pêdeng
Bazirganî: noelift
Specification: 2576 * 1170 * 2070mm
Koda HS: 8427209000
Cihê kehrebê: Nêgihîştin
Hêza: Engine Diesel
Karbidest: Dîzel
Bilindahiya Lift: 3000-6000
Engine: Isuzu C240 / Xinchang C490
Rengîn: Tebqandî
Pakêra Transportê: Riya Pakkirinê ya Navneteweyî ya bi Fîlma Plastîk a Thick.
Origin: Xiamen .în
Fonksiyon Appl Serlêdan
Push pull dikare pakêta tiştên ronahiyê bikişîne û bi alîkariya plakaya şilavkirinê li şûna paleteyê bikişîne û bavêje.
(eg.cardboard) safely and efficiently.Only use sliding plate to realize loading, stacking, and reuse cardboard (only for Sliding Plate Reatinable Model ). It can greatly improve production efficiency,saving the cost .
It can be widely used in electronics, food, light industry and other industries.
• Reasonable integrated structure, wide horizon, flexible and easy to operate;
• Loading and unloading goods can be done without pallets, and the application of low cost slip sheet meets the storage room of the pallets.
• The durable and smooth alloy fork plate can avoid damage to the connection part of the sliding plate during operation.
• Reasonable design of hydraulic elements make the hydraulic system get good protection and long life.
• All materials are made of alloy with high strength.
• An oilfree lubrication system is applied to each joint ensures better protection of the pins and axles, without maintenance.
1. Please get the actual comprehensive bearing capacity of forklifts and their attachments from the factory.
2. Matching this attachment requires 1 more oil circuitsor 2 more oil circuits and 2 more electric circuit for the forklift.
3. QPA model with solenoid valve (if not specified notice, the working voltage is 12 v), please pay attention to forklift system voltage.
4. The models above are fast loading mounted pushpull type, if need standard fork please buy addtionally.
5. According to customer requirements, special model can be design and provide .