Zencîra herdû pêş û paşgir di navbêna hîdrolîk a hîdrolîk de rast dibe, ev baqil ji bo barkirin an jî barkirina materyalên belengaz, wek sand, komir, rez û beton, ect.
Blahînek ku ji materyalê qehweyîyê çêbûye, di berîka zendê de tê welêt.
Dermankirina dorpêçê: Dawiya qedirandî an galvanîzekirin.
Awa | Dirêjbûna jêzê (mm) | Max Mezinahiya pirê (mm) | Distanca Fork (mm) | Pîvana Yekîneyê | Kapasîteya (kg) | Volume (m3) | Busta Plateyê Busket (mm) |
DBHS-12 | 1100*570*1200 | 180*65 | 700 | 306.0 | 1000 | 0.50 | 5 |
DBHS-14 | 1100*570*1400 | 180*65 | 700 | 348.0 | 1000 | 0.55 | 6 |
DBHS-16 | 1100*570*1600 | 180*65 | 700 | 366.0 | 1000 | 0.65 | 6 |
DBHS-18 | 1100*570*1800 | 180*65 | 700 | 384.0 | 1000 | 0.75 | 6 |
DBHS-20 | 1100*570*2000 | 180*65 | 700 | 402.0 | 1000 | 0.80 | 6 |
Kîtekîtên Bilez
Cihê Origin: Fujian, Chinaîn (Mainland)
Navê Brand: HUAMAI
Hejmara Modelê: DBHS-14
Navê Hilbera: Bûçikên teşkekirî yên Forklift
Dirêjahiya pîvanê derveyî (mm): 1100 * 570 * 1400mm
Max Mezinahiya Fork Dirêjeya navgîniya bîskê (mm): 180 * 65mm
Dûrza Fork (mm): 700mm
Weqfa yekîneyê (kg): 348kg
Kapasîteya (kg): 1000kg
Volume (m3): 0.55m3
Parzûna Busket Plate (mm): 6mm
Zincek Barka Forklift Bikaranîna Rêzeya Forklift an Telehandler ya Pêşkêşiya we dirêj dike
Sand Loading Sand & Gravel, Trash, Debring Roofing, Farbage, Dirt & Other Material Loose
Site Malpera Paqijkirinê ya Paqijkirî zûtir û ewledar e
Snow Snow hilweşînin
■ Li ser Topên Gundan Gravan bibin
Tr Trash Tear-Off Trash
F Backfill Behind dîwarên bilind û nîjer
Feydeyên Attachment Bucket Bucket:
Rawestin dravê zêde ji bo lêkerê bargirê skid…
Buhayê kulîlkek Avnix-ê ji kêmek kirêdariyek mûçeya mûçê ya du mehê kêm e.
Ji bo paşila paşîn an telehandler-a we hatî çêkirin hate çêkirin…
Avakirina karûbarê giran xurt jiyanek dirêj dirêj dike.
Dibe ku deverên lêker nekarin…
Bikaranîna ji bo telehandler an forkliftên gihîştî yên gihîştî, Avêtokên Forkliftê Avnix ji bo gihîştina rahijmendê cîhê materyalê hûr hûr dibe.
When purchasing a forklift bucket attachment, it is important to consider the size and capacity of the bucket, as well as the type of material that will be handled. The customer should also consider the type of forklift that the attachment will be used on, as compatibility is important for safe and efficient operation.
To find a forklift bucket attachment for sale, the customer can search online for manufacturers and suppliers, or visit a local dealer. Online shopping allows the customer to compare prices and features from a wide range of suppliers, while visiting a local dealer provides the opportunity to see the attachment in person and ask questions of a knowledgeable salesperson.
In conclusion, forklift bucket attachments are readily available for sale from various sources. When purchasing, the customer should consider the size and capacity of the bucket, the type of material that will be handled, and the compatibility with the forklift. With careful consideration, the customer can find the right forklift bucket attachment to meet their needs and budget.